Mastan Raja is a 1999 Indian Bengali thriller film released on 1999. The film is directed by Uttamakash, produced by Ashok Kumar Hora.
Raja and Sangram are two close friends. They grew under one roof and under one teacher. Raja was a idealistic, straight forward man but Sangram was a local hooilgan .Sangram loves Beathi , but Beethi’s brother was married to Raja’s sister. They had a child. Sangram had a boss whose name was Hitter Seth. He used to commit all sorts of crime. He has a father figure whose name is Ruddha Sett. There was a misunderstanding between Beethi and Sangram. Hittler raped and murdered her. The gossip spread that Raja had killed her and he was jailed for 5 years. Sangram was also waiting to take revenge against Raja. When Raja came out of the jail he told Sangram he was not the murderer. Then they jointly took revenge against Hitler Seth and killed him and his full group. Sangram died in the end. Raja and Shimli got married.
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